When you get hurt at work, financial costs can quickly add up. For this reason, there are national resources available that can offer assistance in these situations. In the United States, the Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs oversees the administration of four types of government compensation programs for people who suffer from work-related injuries and disabilities.
By using these resources, you can receive weekly financial benefits to help cover the cost of lost wages, medical treatment and vocational rehabilitation. The thing is, sometimes people do not receive the full amount the law entitles them to. While this can be an expensive mistake, there are tips you can follow to decrease the chances of it happening to you.
1. Do the math
To make sure you are receiving the full compensation amount that the law grants you, calculate how much that number should be. You can find it by figuring out your average weekly wage.
2. Understand your injury or disability
Another thing to consider is the extent of your injuries or disabilities. Under the law, this is what determines whether individuals receive partial or total disability compensation. This will impact the amount you receive and how long you receive it.
3. Learn your rights
At the end of the day, knowledge is power. To prevent anyone from missing important details about your case or overlooking a benefit you should receive, learn as much as you can about your rights. If you notice a problem, do not be afraid to speak up.
Getting hurt at work can be a life-changing and difficult experience, but it does not have to be any harder due to administrative errors. Tips like these can help you get the compensation you deserve.