Benefits for Injured Workers
Are you looking into benefits for injured workers? There are several workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts. It’s important to remember that they are awarded based on the facts surrounding the claim. In general, they cover all of the medical expenses that are associated with the injury. Workers’ comp also provides wage replacement if the worker is temporarily or permanently disabled from the injury.
Benefits for Injured Workers | Disability
For disability benefits, the financial compensation awarded depends on the severity of the disability. In short, whether the worker is partially or totally disabled and whether the disability is temporary or permanent. Permanent disability means that the worker is totally disabled and can never return to the workforce. A temporary disability means that the worker will eventually be able to return to work. Massachusetts law determines how much financial compensation a worker will receive if they are disabled:
- Workers who are totally and permanently disabled will receive 2/3 of their average weekly wage with a minimum 20% of the state average weekly wage at the time of your injury, and an annual cost of living adjustment for as long as you are disabled.
- Workers who are considered temporarily totally incapacitated will receive around 60% of their average weekly wage from the last year prior to the date of injury for up to 156 weeks. Payment begins on the sixth day of disability unless you cannot work for 21 days or more. Those days aren’t required to be consecutive.
- Workers who are considered partially incapacitated may receive up to 60% of the difference between their average weekly wage and what they can earn with their disability for up to 260 weeks.
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Benefits for Injured Workers | Medical Expenses
The most common benefit associated with workers’ compensation is payment of medical expenses. Medical benefits are available for workers who suffer from either a work-related injury or illness that requires medical attention. The medical benefits are provided for as long as the worker needs them because of the injury or illness. However, it’s important to note that the insurance company can deny or end treatment if they don’t think that the treatment is reasonable or necessary. If this happens, a worker may appeal through the DIA. Medical benefits include:
- Medical care
- Reimbursement for what the worker spends out of pocket for prescriptions and treatment
- Reimbursement for mileage for injured workers who must travel to and from their medical appointments
The worker may choose their own medical provider. Additionally, the insurer has the right to have their doctor evaluate the worker.
If you are looking for a skilled Lowell workers’ comp lawyer, please call Jeff Young today for a free consultation to discuss the benefits for injured workers.