If you are hurt on a job site in Massachusetts, you will want to make sure you are compensated properly through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. You may be wondering who is responsible for investigating workers’ comp claims and how benefits are determined. Here is what you need to know.
Investigating Workers’ Comp Claims | DIA
The Department of Industrial Accidents (DIA) is a state agency that oversees the workers’ compensation program. They adjudicate disputed workers’ compensation claims. The DIA recommends that injured employees consult a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer because of how complicated these claims can be. However, the DIA cannot make referrals to lawyers.
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Investigating Workers’ Comp Claims | Available Benefits
There are several workers’ compensation benefits in Massachusetts. It’s important to remember that they are awarded based on the facts surrounding the claim. In general, they cover all of the medical expenses that are associated with the injury. Workers’ comp also provides wage replacement if the worker is temporarily or permanently disabled from the injury.
For disability benefits, the financial compensation awarded depends on the severity of the disability. In short, whether the worker is partially or totally disbaled and whether the disability is temporary or permanent. Permanent disability means that the worker is totally disabled and can never return to the workforce. A temporary disability means that the worker will eventually be able to return to work.
The most common benefit associated with workers’ compensation is payment of medical expenses. Medical benefits are available for workers who suffer from either a work-related injury or illness that requires medical attention. The medical benefits are provided for as long as the worker needs them because of the injury or illness. However, it’s important to note that the insurance company can deny or end treatment if they don’t think that the treatment is reasonable or necessary. If this happens, a worker may appeal through the DIA.
Investigating Workers’ Comp Claims | Hire a Lawyer
While Massachusetts workers’ compensation laws are designed to help protect injured workers, insurance companies want to make a profit. It’s important that injured Massachusetts workers talk with an experienced Lowell workers’ compensation lawyer to make sure that their rights are protected and that they are treated fairly. Contact a dedicated Lowell workers’ compensation lawyer at the Law Office of Jeffrey A. Young for a free consultation. Let our experience work for you.